Global Materhity Acadmic Assouiotion

Global Maternity Academic Association DE
    Our vision is to make a difference to the lives of women through education and social responsibility.
    Nachrichten & Publikationen
    GMAA Covid-19 Update: August 10, 2020
    The coronavirus pandemic has sickened more than 19,745,900 people, according to official counts. As of Sunday evening, at least 728,500 people have died, and the virus has ...
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    Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise by Biofeedback and Electrical Stimulation to Reinforce the Pelvic Floor Muscle after Normal Delivery
    In-Sook Lee, RN, PhD1 , Euy-Soon Choi, RN, PhD2 Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of pelvic floor muscle exercise using biofeedback and el...
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    Functional Applications in Pelvic Rehabilitation I
    Functional Applications in Pelvic Rehabilitation IInstructor

    Chapter 1: Pelvic Anatomy (45mins) 1. List the bony, ...

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    Hands On Training


    Individuell zertifiziert Organisation zertifiziert

    Die Global Maternity Academic Association (GMAA) ist eine gemeinnützige akademische Organisation mit Sitz in Deutschland.Wir engagieren uns dafür, durch Bildung, akademische Kommunikation, Advocacy, interdisziplinäre Forschung sowie soziale Verantwortung die weltweite Exzellenz in der Betreuung von Müttern vor allem für urogynäkologische und Beckenboden zu fördern.